We are one of the leading training practices in Northamptonshire. Drs Robertson, Ali and Mukundan are accredited educational supervisors. Dr. Dua is the supervisor for Foundation Doctors.
GP Specialist Registrars
GP Registrars are qualified doctors who have chosen General Practice for their career. When present in the practice they are undertaking further training under the direct supervision of either Dr Ali or Dr Mukundan prior to taking up a position in the practice of their choice. During their training, there is a requirement to videotape some consultations and you may be asked if you object to your consultation being taped. Please do not feel obliged to agree to being videotaped.
During their training Registrars are continually assessed both by the supervisor and by other doctors who visit from time to time. During any assessment, consultations recorded by the Registrar may be critically reviewed. Absolute confidentiality will be maintained at all times and these reviews are only done by other doctors.
Foundation doctors
Postgraduate medical education in the UK begins with the Foundation Programme. The new, two-year, structured training programme bridges the gap between medical school and specialist and GP training. It is now a requirement for all new UK medical school graduates embarking on their careers in the UK.
Foundation doctors are qualified doctors who have not necessarily chosen General Practice for their medical career. They are required to do a four-month placement in order to gain experience in General Practice. They work under the direct supervision of Dr. Dua.
Medical Students
We occasionally take medical students from the University of Leicester medical school. Students work under the direct supervision of one of our GPs. Occasionally there may be a medical student in attendance whilst you are having a consultation with your doctor. If you prefer you can ask your doctor to have the consultation without the student present.
Can I refuse to be seen by a doctor in training?
We acknowledge that some patients may prefer not to see a doctor in training, and we will respect any concerns you may have.
Will it count against me if I refuse to see a doctor in training or to be taped?
Definitely not. We want you to feel comfortable during your consultation. If you are not comfortable being taped or seeing a doctor in training, we quite understand the reasons.