You are able to see your own records online through our online service systmonline and its associated app, TPP Airmid* available below:
If you have not already done so and you wish to register for our online services, please complete our Register for Online Services form
Information about your health and care helps us and other healthcare organisations to improve your individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan your local services, and help to research new treatments.
Albany House Medical Centre and the NHS are committed to keeping patient information safe and always being clear about how it is used.
How your data is used
Information about your individual care, such as treatment and diagnoses, is recorded whenever you use health and care services.
This information allows us, and other healthcare organisations to:
- Improve individual care
- Speed up diagnoses
- monitor the long-term safety and effectiveness of care
- Plan local clinics and services
- Help research new treatments and medicines
It is only used in this way when there is a clear legal basis to use the information, to help improve health and care for you, your family and future generations.
Where data is supplied to external sources, we try to use data that does not identify you through Anonymisation or pseudo-Anonymisation, but sometimes it is necessary to use your confidential patient information.
You have a choice
You do not need to do anything if you are happy about how your information is used.
If you do not want your confidential patient information to be used for research and planning, you can choose to opt out. You can change your mind about your choice at any time.
Will choosing this opt-out affect your care and treatment?
No. Choosing to opt out will not affect how information is used to support your care and treatment. You will still be invited for screening services, immunisations and annual reviews.
What do you need to do?
If you are happy for your confidential patient information to be used for research and planning, you do not need to do anything.
If you have previously registered a Type 1 Opt-out with your GP practice your data will not be shared with NHS Digital.
If you do wish to opt-out you can do this by downloading the following Type 1 Opt Out Form and returning the completed form to the Practice by 1st September 2021.
If you have previously registered a Type 1 Opt-out and you would like to withdraw this, you can also use the above form to do this.
If you submit the Type 1 Opt-out Form after 1 July 2021, no more of your data will be shared with NHS Digital. However, NHS Digital will still hold the patient data, which was shared with us dating back at least 10 years prior to you opting out.
If you do not want NHS Digital to share your data with anyone else for purposes beyond your own care, then you can also register a National Data Opt-out via the NHS website
More Information
To find out more about the benefits of data sharing and how data is protected visit the NHS website
*Other apps are available
Download a copy of the patient leaflet
Page last updated 08 June 2021